Newsletter NFP 70 und NFP 71 – März 2018
Die Zukunft der Schweizer Wasserkraft
Am Schweizerischen Stromkongress stellte Prof. Dr. Hannes Weigt Zwischenergebnisse des NFP-70-Verbundprojektes "Die Zukunft der Schweizer Wasserkraft“ vor.
"SwiSS Transformer": neue SiC-Technologien zur effizienten Umwandlung elektrischer Energie
Das Projekt "SwiSS Transformer" entwickelt neue Technologien zur effizienten Umwandlung elektrischer Energie und bewertet deren möglichen Einsatz im Rahmen der Energiestrategie 2050.
Sozialwissenschaften und Praxis im Dialog: Energiezukunft von Städten und Gemeinden
Die zweite Tagung der Reihe "Sozialwissenschaften und Praxis im Dialog" stellte die Energiezukunft von Städten und Gemeinden in den Mittelpunkt.
Abgeschlossenes Projekt: Neue Materialien für die Batterien der Zukunft
Im NFP-70-Projekt „Neue Materialien für die Batterien der Zukunft“ wurden neue Komponenten für Lithium-Metall-Hochenergie-Akkumulatoren entwickelt, die den bisher im Markt erhältlichen Komponenten überlegen sind.
Weitere Informationen sind auf den jeweiligen Projektseiten des und verfügbar.
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   E-bike trials' potential to promote sustained changes in car owners' mobility habits

(Open Access) One strategy to convince people to switch from cars to e-bikes is the disruption of existing habits – a key idea behind an annual e-bike promotion programme in Switzerland. By means of a longitudinal survey, the long-term effects of this trial on mobility-related habitual associations have been measured. The findings contrast the results of other studies, which find that the effect of interventions to induce modal shifts wears off over time.

   Navigating behavioral energy sufficiency. Results from a survey in Swiss cities on potential behavior change

(Open Access) In this paper, citizens’ heterogeneity regarding both their current behaviors and their willingness to realize their sufficiency potentials is addressed—that is, to reduce their energy consumption through behavioral change. A survey conducted in three cities yielded thematic sets of energy-consumption behavior that various groups of participants rated differently. The paper discusses intervention types and addresses citizens’ heterogeneity and behaviors from a city-based perspective.

   A Cost Estimation for CO2 Reduction and Reuse by Methanation from Cement Industry Sources in Switzerland

(Open Access) The production of cement in Switzerland accounts around 2.5 million ton for CO2 emissions (roughly 7% of the country’s total CO2 emissions). The article examines how this amount could be put to meaningful use in order to create a new value-added chain through CO2 methanation, and thus reduce the consumption and import of fossil fuels in Switzerland.

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