Energy-efficient living in old age
The completed NRP 71 project “Energy reduction potentials of elderly people’s households” has launched a follow-up project on behalf of EnergieSchweiz and with the support of the Federal Office for Housing (FOH). With the project “Energy-efficient living in old age” (EnWiA), interventions are being made that motivate older people to reduce the size of their living spaces and in doing so reduce their energy consumption.
A key factor for exploiting the energy-saving potential in elderly people’s households is the consideration of their future living and housing situation. It is important to overcome the uncertainty with respect to the future of their own home and to explore new housing options for the next phase of life. For this, in addition to information, positive practical examples are needed.
Tenants may consider moving to a smaller flat. Here, investors in rental developments as well as administrative bodies and operators are called on to create new options.
The “Energy-efficient living in old age” (EnWiA) project implements the findings from the NRP 71 project “Energy reduction potentials of elderly people’s households” in cooperation with practice partners and performs interventions that help to reduce energy consumption in the households of the baby-boomer generation on a long-term and sustainable basis:
- Events and workshops for owners of single-family homesPartners: city and municipal authorities, banks and power suppliers
- Information events for expertsPartners: Zurich Energy Forum, MinergieIn addition, two information sheets – one for owners of single-family homes and one for experts – have been developed. These are available to download on the website of EnergieSchweiz.
- Tenant platform: launch and pilot test of an exchange platform for tenants that encourages and provides impetus for a change of residence from larger to smaller (cooperative) housing.
The “EnWiA” project is headed up by Rütter Soceco, Rüschlikon, Socioeconomic Research and Consulting. The know-how of the following project partners is incorporated: Hässig Sustech / MetamorpHouse / Senarclens, Leu und Partner / Arcalpin.